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Radio Journalist stabbed to death in brutal attack in Somalia, says NUSOJ

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19 September 2018

The National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) strongly condemn the horrific murder of a local radio journalist following brutal knife attack in Galkayo of Mudug region in central Somalia.

Journalist Abdirisak Sa’id Osman, reporter for privately owned Radio Voice of Peace in Galkayo, was slashed in the back and heart on Tuesday, 18 September, around 23hrs local time, as he was walking from the premises of the radio station. Osman, seen bypasser while unconsciously laying on the ground, was rushed to Mudug Regional Hospital (MRH) where he was operated but pronounced dead few minutes after 3am, according to Ahmed Mohamed Ali (Aano Geel), Editor-Chief of Radio Voice of Peace.

Circled Picture: Abdirisak Osman posing group photo with NUSOJ trained journalists in Galkayo

No witnesses have come forward for the murder of Abdirisak Sa’id Osman who nicknamed “Wadani”, and the motive for the attack is still unknown. Some Galkayo journalist believe the attack on the journalist, is retaliation for recent revelation of insecurity situation of the Galkayo which was created by Al-Shabaab elements.

“We solemnly condemn this gruesome and deadly act of violence against our colleague Abdirisak Sa’id Osman and appeal to witnesses to come forward. We demand the Puntland government to nab the perpetrators at the earliest” said Awil Mohamud Abdi, NUSOJ’s organising secretary and director of Radio Galkayo.

NUSOJ offers its condolences to Abdirisak Sa’id Osman’s family for the profound loss. “Each year, journalists in Galkayo are assaulted, threatened, abused and harassed, most often for doing their job. Puntland authorities must ensure that the killers are arrested and prosecuted as soon as possible” said Omar Faruk Osman, NUSOJ Secretary General.

Journalist Abdirisak Sa’id Osman, 30, was buried this morning in Galkayo. He is the second journalist to be murdered in Somalia in this year. As a NUSOJ member from radio Voice of Peace, and he was a delegate at NUSOJ General Assembly in Galkayo and attended latest training organised in Galkayo by the union.