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Who We Are

Inception: In 2002, a collection of passionate journalists, no longer able to tolerate the severe media repression in Somalia, established the Somali Journalists Network (SOJON). Their mission was to promote and protect media freedom while safeguarding the professional interests of journalists. The catalyst for this giant move was the promulgation of a repressive media law by Transitional National Government of Somalia in that year.

Transformation: Recognizing, during their 2005 General Assembly in Mogadishu, the potential impact as a trade union, member journalists approved a name change and structural transformation, birthing the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ). As the first independent trade union established after the collapse of President Said Barre's military regime in 1991, NUSOJ is the oldest and most representative media organization in Somalia, representing over 780 of Somalia's 1,100 journalists.

Diversity: NUSOJ is culturally and professionally diverse, with members working across the industry as reporters, editors, sub-editors, photographers and freelancers in both print and electronic media. Journalists come from various communities and regions, united in their commitment to promoting and defending their rights and interests.

Guiding Principles: NUSOJ is guided by principles of human and media rights outlined in national, regional and global legal frameworks. The organization upholds professional solidarity, independence, accountability, integrity, ethical funding and effectively engages in diplomatic and robust interactions with non-state actors, including civil society, the private sector, trade unions, as well as state actors like the government, parliament and judiciary.