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Radio Station firebombed, 2 journalists severely wounded

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31 December 2014
nusojThe National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) condemns a firebomb attack today on the headquarters of Radio Galkayo in central Somalia, which injured two journalists.
At around 20hrs local time, unidentified assailants hurled two firebombs at Radio Galkayo, which was directed at the studio. Mohamud Abdi Ahmed (Shine), editor and acting director of Radio Galkayo, and Abdullahi Mohamud Adan, producer of Radio Galkayo, were seriously wounded. The studio of Radio Galkayo was also destroyed by the bomb blast, according to management of the station.
“We condemn this attack on Radio Galkayo, and call on Galkayo authorities to safeguard working journalists by tracking down those responsible. Attacks against journalists in Galkayo are occurring with alarming regularity,” said Omar Faruk Osman, NUSOJ Secretary General.
Mohamud Abdi Ahmed (Shine) is severely wounded at both legs while Abdullahi Mohamud Adan is wounded at chest and right shoulder. NUSOJ sends its best wishes to Mohamud and Abdullahi for as speedy a recovery as is possible, given the extent of their injuries.
The assailants escaped from the scene and no one was caught for this violent attack. It is not first time Radio Galkayo was attacked and its journalists have been in Al-Shabaab hit list.
The union urges Galkayo authorities to do everything in their power to protect news outlets from this deadly threat.

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